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A human immerged into a camera.
All images © Manuel Vason and Igor Emmerich
3rd Public Intervention / Duration 40 min
Manuel Vason and Igor Emmerich
25th September 2021
4.00 PM at Mill Bay, Folkestone
[Digital:Glassworks car park]
I am aware photography is affecting the way I perceive the world and I memorise it.
I entered and exited the same three doors with a fabricated sense of freedom.
I signal out gestures with my body holding an artificial eye.
The light illuminating my eyes is different from the light illuminating my skin.
I immerse my head and my camera into a glass bowl full of water mixed with earth.
My intention - now - is to expand my horizon and grow new eyes.
Me and my camera are dunking like a biscuit in the tea.
The PhotoPerformer, 2021
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